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Where are We and Where do We Want to Go?

Writer's picture: Paul PeiPaul Pei

It was quite a simple answer. The Park was bleeding red and needed to be in the black as soon as possible. Tomorrow would be nice. Without much time to think and ponder, the urgent and immediate goal was to stop the bleeding and return to profitability. Afterall, we all know what happens ...

If the bleeding does not stop, demise can’t be far off.

Management and Business 101 says the first step is to conduct a situation analysis: "Why was the Park in the red and not only one year, but 4 consecutive years?" What was the best way to conduct this situation analysis? After taking a thorough walk throughout the park, I settled by a tree near the entrance to the cable car as the location to begin this study. Nearly 100% of all guests would ride the cable car, so I was be able to see a lot of guests and learn of their sentiments toward the park. I stood under this tree for three days straight listening to comments and criticisms from all the guests passing by.

It didn’t take long to realize that most of the comments were similar and repeated itself over and over. Guests always know the reasons for success or failure. I absorbed as much as I could and documented all the comments to assess the situation. It is not possible to list all the concerns, but here are a few resounding ones:

The Park is Old and Tired.

How many people are eager to visit a facility that is old and tired?

The Park does not offer good value.

How many people buy anything that they did not perceive with good value?

There is nothing to do there.

How many people would pay money to go where there is nothing to do?

My friends don’t come here.

How many people go to places that their friends don’t go?

I have NO reason to go.

People buy anything because they have a reason to buy, and do not have a reason not to buy. (More about this later)

The list went on and on filling multiple pages, but I think you get the idea already. Just based on these 5 comments, it was plain to see that the Park:

a. Must turn "Old and Tired" to "New and Fresh"

b. Must create good value, real or perceived

c. Must give guests something to do

d. Make sure friends also go

e. Above all, provide reasons for people to go and to buy a ticket

These were the marching orders.

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