I grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii after migrating with the family from Hong Kong as a young 8-year-old boy. Growing up in these beautiful islands, I learned quickly the importance of tourism, hospitality and service. These islands were magical but had nothing to sell but friendly people, tropical weather, waving palm trees, blue skies, white sandy beaches, hula, and lots of smiles. The economy and sustainability of Hawaii has been and remains today totally dependent on tourism.
The fundamentals of tourism are hospitality and service. Without them, there is no tourism.
How I got into the industry is a fairy tale story that I would be happy to share (let me know if you are interested). Perhaps more important is what I learned about service and its true meaning. My career began in a hotel on Waikiki Beach as a sales manager. I had booked a tour group from the American mid-west and the tour members would enjoy a week in Hawaii away from their cold winter back home. I greeted the group upon its arrival and met an elderly couple with great anticipation for their vacation. They relayed to me that this was a dream and they had been saving for this their entire life. Their comment stayed with me throughout the day. I did not know of anyone who had saved their entire life for a dream.
As such, I felt it my goal to ensure that their dream comes true.
Throughout the week, I spoke with them everyday to get an update on their vacation. They toured the island, went to the beach, enjoyed a hula show, a Hawaiian luau - every day was eventful and was filled with happiness. When the week was over and they were preparing to return to Nebraska, they thanked me for all I did for them at the hotel, for all my hospitality, for being a friend to them, and for making every effort to ensure that their dream vacation came true.
After escorting them to their bus for departure, I truly realized the meaning of hospitality and service. We provide service to fulfill dreams. This experience inspired me and guided me throughout my career. It was meaningful for me and for those whom I served.