Consistently throughout my career, I am told, “Paul, you are a born salesman.” While it is nice to hear, the truth is when you are born, you are not born as anything but a baby. We learn and train to be a professional, a salesperson. Without sales, there is no business. Companies accept that one of their most valuable assets is a highly professional sales team.
Sales is a meaningful, respectable and highly important profession.
Would you have an electrician fix your leaking pipes? When you board an airplane, you expect the captain to be a well-trained pilot with many years of experience in the cockpit. When you need medical attention, you expect that the doctor has many years of training and practice. When you take your car in for repair, you expect the mechanic to have had years of training and practice on your particular model. All successful professionals are well trained and have honed their skills to be successful. Why should your salespeople be any less?
Selling is a profession and done by professionals.
Salespeople are not born, they are trained. They are proud to be in sales and have devoted excessive time to learn the skills and techniques that are used to sell a product, any product. The journey to being a seasoned and successful salesperson is long and challenging but rewarding. They are true professionals in a field that requires patience and dedication.
For many years, I would practice my pitch for hours in front of a mirror to find strengths and weaknesses in my delivery. While practicing, I would question consistently, “Would you buy from me?” The mirror revealed many flaws for correction.
Throughout my career, I lived by this belief because business requires a team of well-trained salespeople to be successful. We talk about investing in our people all the time. If we know that sales drives business and profits, then investing in training our salespeople is always a vital goal. The better they are trained, the more effective they will be, and the more sales they will generate.
I am proud to have spent time over the years in training effective sales teams and today continue to contribute in developing salespeople for the future. The future of our industry and business requires professionals with the proper skills and acumen to drive revenue.