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Learning the Game and Enjoying the Frustration

Writer's picture: Paul PeiPaul Pei


I wanted to share my golf story, not only to promote the game and its challenges but because of what it has taught me about life.   Golf identifies many positives and negatives in our daily lives.  How we act on the golf course teaches us to be a better person, to ourselves, our friends, and above all to our family.


Golf is a game that commands courtesies, discipline, decorum, etiquette, and tremendous patience.   There are numerous skills required to play this game, each as important as the next and when combined will result in the picture-perfect swing that propels the ball a long distance and directly at the target.   Like anything else, mastering the skills is vital but even more important is the mindset and concentration that one must develop to be proficient.  I describe golf as the single most enjoyable “frustration” in life.


It is a challenge to just remember the basics.   Keep your head down, keep the leading arm straight, pivot at the hips, rotate through the swing, sternum facing the target and so much more.   Anyone who plays golf will tell you that there is so much to remember, and it is so difficult to combine all these actions into one fluid motion.   We punish ourselves on the practice range in hopes of perfecting the swing and then through 18 holes in four hours. However, no matter how frustrating it gets, we return the next day for more punishment. 


Golf is a game that is anything but consistent.  There are good rounds, bad rounds, and worse rounds.   The golf pro reminds me though, “The worst day on a golf course is still better than the best day in the office.”   Like many who enjoy this game, it only takes one good stroke to go back the next day.   Although I have a very high handicap, I enjoy the game, the time outdoors, the fresh air, and above all the friendships that one develops with other players.


So, what has golf taught me?  Golf reinforces many of the attributes required to be successful in sales and being a good human being.    We are always courteous.    There is no screaming or raised voices on the course and we always conduct ourselves with proper decorum.  No matter the result of each swing or the final score, we smile, support, and respect ourselves and our playing partners.     Proper etiquette is always a priority and perhaps even more important than the score.   Patience, mindset, and concentration are tested with each swing and will often determine the outcome.   Being always disciplined is a must.   A lot of it is required to be successful.


It sounds so familiar in life.  Learning this with golf reinforces how we should behave all the time, in our professional and personal lives.  The lessons on the golf course guide us every day at work and home.  These lessons help us to lead, manage, support, and respect others, our teams, and our customers.  At the end of the day when we get home, we treat our family in the same manner.  It is a wonderful and rewarding game with valuable lessons on and off the course.

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