Pride is a word that can be misinterpreted or misdefined. We hear this word very often but on many occasions, it is used in passing and not really genuine. The word pride may actually be defined differently by different people. Let’s keep it simple. Pride is feeling good about your achievements. When you do something right, you feel good and confident that this is an accomplishment, a success, an objective that is met.
So it seems that our goal should be to develop this pride in everything that we do, every day of our lives and throughout our careers. We should also develop pride in the company we serve and the product we sell. This way, we feel good and are confident every day about ourselves, our product, our company, and our careers.
Once we develop this pride, we make every effort to maintain and sustain it.
It is this sense of pride that drives us forward, to achieve more and more each day, to reach our designated goals, and claim success. Without this pride, it would be impossible. If you do not have pride in yourself, can you get up in the morning to face the challenges ahead? If you do not have pride in your product, can you sell it?
If you do not have pride in your company, can you be of service?
Throughout my career, I reflected on my pride at the end of each day assuring myself that I lived up to the pride I had developed. In the morning, I reflect on how I will maintain and sustain that pride moving forward. Pride is a very powerful motivator, but a lack of pride is a powerful destroyer.
See if this pride applies to you today and every day. If it does not, let’s work on how to develop it for you to grow your career.